August 19, 2020

Black Artists Series – Izaiah Ford

by Reflct Media in Black Artists Series

I am an artist from Detroit, Michigan. I was born and raised here on the West side of the city. It’s a lot of great people and great artists here, and so many great spirits.

It started off as a journey when I was younger. I always worked with my uncle, and he was really good at art, so I used to sit at the table every day and just watch. And from there, I wanted to find a voice to help people cope because I was always helping people through life with situations verbally, but I also wanted to do it on a visual standpoint. 

Being in Detroit has impacted my art. I think it has to do a lot with how the system is made and treats not just Black men, but the Black race period. A lot of people get stuck in this system of special ed and things like that because I know that’s how I was did. A lot of people don’t try to look deeper into the story. They just take us in this system thinking something is automatically wrong with us. That kind of inflicted into my art because I know my story and wanted to tap into that energy to help people. The story behind all of that for me was me going through a constant trial of bullying. And people didn’t know that because I went through it so much that I became super isolated. They thought something was wrong with a lot of people like me, but it was because I was not concentrated due to depression.

I’m Asking Why

So, the type of art that I do is more on an emotional standpoint. I’m like the person that’s really big on bringing happiness and helping people see things beyond the depressing moments in life. I draw, I paint, I’m working on getting into sculpting, and I’m going to school for anatomy. I’ve done programs with Cass Tech, General Motors designing cars, art programs for murals under the Northwest Activity Center, and I do weekly shows for a group called the Breakfast Club. 

I’ve also done two shows at the Detroit Institute of Arts. That was a crazy experience for me because I’m always in the museum and studying like Picasso and everybody every day. So being in a museum, doing the show and being around the whole atmosphere was crazy. I always engaged to art, and the DIA has always felt like home to me. Every time I went, I ended up with a sketch. Another experience I had was doing my first mural this summer on the East side. It gave me a sense to be open to doing bigger-scale things, and to also learn from different artists that have been doing this for a while. I got to have conversations with people like Sydney James that pushed me to keep pushing myself. 

Dreams of Hydration

Art helps me cope with what I’m going through because my freedom is really bigger than me just picking up a pencil, a pad, and putting lines down. It’s really a mental connection. It helps me release and find ways to become happier. I know that it was really meant for me. It takes everything in my life away; I never think about anything that I go through. That’s my focus: my art and my community and always trying to help my community with art. I also try to reach and teach the younger community and expose them to different things because they only have limited possibilities in the community these days. Everybody thinks you have to become a rapper or a basketball player. I want people to see beyond that. 


I think my story is one that people can relate to because a lot of people have families of broken foundations. With every piece that I do, there’s always a spiritual connection. I’m always feeding off of my intuition. I always let every piece I create speak from my spirit and my heart whether it’s mental, intentionally, or unintentional. I like to keep calm, composed, and keep a free atmosphere. So, my intentions are always to have a deep conversation and speak to people, but also keep that excitement and enjoyment. That’s why I always try to keep vibrant colors in my work because a lot of people go through life so dull and angry. I want to help people cope with it better.  

I see politically what they’re taking out of the school system. So, with me, I always want to bring emotions and conversations of happiness that will also wake people up to what society is doing by putting platforms of electronics and social media in front of us to blind us and keep us asleep from our history. Strong leaders like Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Muhammad Ali inspire my work. I’ve always had a connection and have been drawn to them. 

Freedom Within World Chaos

Barriers I face is a lot of people always having the negative energy, saying you can only do so much with art. Family-wise, it’s hard sometimes to find support or spaces that support art because a lot of people don’t understand art. But, if you have strong communication and you are willing to reach out to other people and have conversations, it becomes easier to find platforms to support you

Besides our stories, I think Black artists have more than people realize. We get overlooked because of the color of our skin. We don’t really have those opportunities that other people would have. Because the Black community has and continues to be oppressed, people don’t really try to reach above the normal standards. I overcome that mindset by always staying positive. No matter what I’m doing, I’m always trying to put a smile on at least one person’s face every day. That’s kind of been my mindset for a long time, to keep maintaining positivity. What you manifest in the world is what you’re going to receive out of it. 

Magnetic Force

Black artists should be celebrated beyond Black History Month because I don’t think we should be stuck with one month. We’ve been through so many trials and errors and so many great leaders sacrificed for our civil rights, so it should go beyond just that month. We’re constantly doing stuff to make changes in the community daily that people really don’t see.    

What I hope that people gain from my art is a sense of sensibility. A way to cope, open up, and be unafraid. Really transforming their self within their self to become greater each day. I encourage people to keep your spirits up, stay positive, maintain good energy and always be good to everyone around you. Keep prayers every day and if you can, keep yourself away from any negative energies in life. The biggest lesson I’ve learned from doing my art is the connections, seeing how much joy it can bring so many others. It really makes me happy to see so many other people smile from what we’re doing every day as artists.   

Izaiah Ford, Painter
Detroit, MI
IG: @artistizaiahford

The Black Artists Series highlights local Black artists and their journeys. Due to COVID-19, we’ve turned our original video series into a blog-style series. The blog is fully in the artist’s own words.

One Comment

  1. William hairston
    August 19, 2020 at 2:44 PM

    Hi my name is William Hairston, I want to reply to Isaiah Ford, I want to say how much of an outstanding young man you have become and your positivity and sunshine lights up the whole world and everybody who comes in touch with you, I’m very proud of you young man keep doing what you doing stay focus and know that the Lord is with you always he gives you strength.

      September 4, 2020 at 12:54 PM

      Hey @william Hairston that touched my Heart truthfully. Your one of the people god has blessed me with who has had the biggest impact in my life. Im so gracious and honored with everything you do And have done for my family. You are big part of who i am becoming I love you man ???

  2. Kathy Myers
    August 19, 2020 at 3:28 PM

    Isaiah, i really felt moved by your words. You are a breath of fresh air with your positive outlook and energy you share. You are a talented artist and every piece I see is amazing with such great style and color. Thank you for being you and willing to share with all of us.

      September 4, 2020 at 12:49 PM

      Awwww iam pleased to share with everybody. You guys push me every day i wake up because i hear all of your words . I just really want to leave the earth knowing i touched and brought joy to every one who has collected my work even had the opportunity to view. Really just want to help bring more positive energy to the community.

  3. Joan Britton
    August 19, 2020 at 3:36 PM

    Congratulations Isaiah. You are an extremely talented artist and I am so happy to own several pieces of your art.

      September 4, 2020 at 12:44 PM

      @joan Britton wow thank you your really remarkable and i am glad to be in your collection.

  4. August 19, 2020 at 8:30 PM

    So very proud of you Izaiah Ford. I remember when you started at the Detroit Fine Art Breakfast Club. You were so shy and unsure of yourself. But look at you now. You are an inspiration. Keep moving forward, my young friend. Judy Bowman

  5. Dr. Eleanor Harris
    August 19, 2020 at 8:58 PM

    As an educator. izaiah’s story resonates with me. His journey to express himself when others failed to realize that he had a story to tell. His work has strong symbolism and strength. The boldness of colors screams of his need not to be pigeonholed. I hope Izaiah continues to release him from his self-imposed isolation as he touches others through his art.

  6. August 19, 2020 at 9:49 PM

    You are demonstrating every day the truth of your own words, especially showing how much you can do through art. I feel, for example, that the mural created for George Floyd gave a huge boost to the BLM. Movement. Artists like you, Izaiah, are the voices of the people and of the oppressed. You could easily get comfortable making nice pictures for wealthy people, but you have the character to demand more, to speak out and to shine a light to help the whole world see what paths we need to take.
    Thank you, and Never give up!

  7. Andre Reed
    August 21, 2020 at 3:53 PM

    Outstanding words and your Art is you

      September 4, 2020 at 12:43 PM

      Andre Reed Thank you my friend it definitely is i put so much of me into every creation

    September 4, 2020 at 12:41 PM

    @judy bowman just seeing comments. Lol i know right i was nervous reck and so shy buy every one made me feel welcome. That seems like just yesterday . gotta tip the hat back you are a inspiration to us all so proud of you also and glad to know you my friend.

    September 4, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    @Dr.Elanor Harris I am so glad to be in your collection. Your spirit is highly blissful. I really love breaking my self from the chains of distraughted povers. Thats trully a rotating cycle of depression and most of us dont have a circle behind us to show the ropes. So i take in every breath and prayer cause as much pain as i have endured. Ive met My greatest Family Ever Detroit Fine Arts breakfast club you guys has single handly transformed my every day. Will make sure i continue to release my self from the isolaton ??

    September 4, 2020 at 1:27 PM

    @sophie awwwww thank you. I am so honored to have you around . your such a helpful person. I honestly appreciate every second of you pushing me. So humbled it doesn’t do you any justice if you are not touching on things that needs to be conversated politically . it is our voice and gift to expose our people who are blinded. Its more then a picture we paint its more then a artistic expression It is the cause and effectiveness of realizing the communication we vocolize with every thought every emotion to share the 1000s of years we have been in the physiological oppression.

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